The Sunshine Blogging Award!

17 Jun


Firstly, I’d like to thank Fraquoh and Franchomme for nominating me for this award. Thanks you guys! If you don’t know these two talented gentlemen, you should visit their blog, Attire Club. They share style advice, corporate fashion, their creations and style guides amongst many interesting topics, for men. I will definitely draw inspiration from their blog, when shopping for my partner.
Now, like most blogger awards, this award’s purpose is for readers and other bloggers to get to know you better. So, here are the questions I found on Fraquoh and Franchomme’s blog. If I’ve nominated you, please write back to me when you put your post up, as I would love to get to know you better!
What is the default song you put on when you want to listen to something but don’t feel like choosing?
I love country music and I could listen to any song by Blake Shelton, Thompson Square, Luke Bryan, Eric Church, Jason Aldean or Tim McGraw. I like other country singers but these are my favorites in order. My recent favorite that I have been listening to almost every day is Blake’s Boy’s Round Here. Here’s the number in case you want to listen to the song 

My all-time favorite is Thompson Square’s I Got You. This song reminds me to stay grateful for what I have

What do you do when you’re uncomfortable in a social situation?
This one’s a toughie. Being an introvert, I usually excuse myself and slink away. I usually avoid people and situations that do not allow me to feel naturally at ease when socializing.
What subtly obnoxious behavior bothers you most in others?
I get bothered by people who judge and character assassinate others. I know they sometimes don’t realize the hurt they cause. I usually stay away from these people if I don’t have to hang out with them. But, if they are within my friend, work or family circles, I address the matter and try to help them see why judgment is only one person’s perceived reality and not reality itself. If my effort goes wasted, depending on the relationship I share, I just let people who can’t change, go.
What article of clothing do you own that you know is stupid but you really like anyway?
I own an above the knee one shouldered dress from Forever New, that I know looks ridiculous on me because of the fit and material. But, I fell in love with the dress at the store and had to buy it. I never wear it though, and it just sits prettily in my wardrobe.
Do you like typing better or hand writing, and why?
I love to write and my choice depends on what I write. But, when it comes to personal notes and letters, I always hand write them as they add a personal touch. I prefer receiving had written notes to an email, any day!
Are you weighed down by your possessions or comforted by them?
My possessions are my relationship with my family and my partner, and my values. I am comforted by these, as even in times of hardship, they always are the most valuable assets I possess. Materialistic possessions are temporary and the pleasure they give you is temporary, so I never consider them ‘actual’ possessions.

What writer would you like to believe writes in the style that you think in?
Hmmm I think I am unique as is every writer. But a writer I am currently hooked on to is Ashwin Sanghi (pseudo named Shawn Haigins). He is an Indian writer who writes thriller fiction. His book, The Rozabal Line, got me hooked onto his writing. The novel deals with the subject of Jesus having survived the crucifixion and having settled down in India. It is pure fiction but it takes its readers on a journey to lands of the past present and future and makes you feel like the investigator. I haven’t enjoyed a book like that, in ages.

Is time alone liberating or depressing?
I find spending a little time alone each day very liberating. It gives me a chance to reflect, reenergize and recuperate. Being a partial introvert, I need my alone time and I ensure I get it as it helps me stay focused, creative, happy and calm.

What movie influenced you most, and was that influence psychological, aesthetic, or both?
I think there are numerous films that have influenced me both, psychologically and aesthetically, over the years. There have been many movies that have influenced my understanding of love, respect, creativity, values, believing in one’s self, chasing one’s dreams etc., But if I have to name a movie, I’d like to name a few that I remember off the top of my head. They are Intouchables, Machinegun Preacher, Soloist, Now You See Me, Reluctant Fundamentalist, Brave Heart and Defiance.

Now, on to the last part of receiving this award – giving it to other bloggers. I am not sure if there is a limit on this award being shared, but here are some bloggers, I would like to share the award with.


I know this is a huge list, but I had to nominate all of you 🙂


12 Responses to “The Sunshine Blogging Award!”

  1. Mammu June 17, 2013 at 2:15 pm #

    Thank you for the nomination, I have done it already but still huge thank you! I like country m,usic as well! And great answers for all the questions =) Was nice to get to know you a little better. xoxo

  2. Megan June 17, 2013 at 5:24 pm #

    Awh thanks, I really appreciate the nomination 🙂 I’ve already done a post on this because I was nominated before but thanks so much 🙂 x

  3. Miss Ayo Délé June 18, 2013 at 12:12 am #

    Congratulations Miss Beauty plus thank you for nominating me.
    I’m extremely late with all the nominations I received but do know that I really appreciate.

  4. FASHIONKILLLA June 18, 2013 at 3:46 pm #

    Awe thanks so much for the nomination! This is my first blog award :))

  5. Notorious Beauty Blog June 19, 2013 at 7:02 am #

    Thank you again for the nomination! You are seriously so sweet 🙂 I will be putting up the post soon

  6. jesslan June 20, 2013 at 2:21 pm #

    Thanks again!


  1. Sunshine blogging and Shine on Blog Award | ♥♦ Jesslan ♣♠ - June 20, 2013

    […] girl! This post is in English because I’d like to answer to Patricia and Asia, because they gave me two awards: Thank […]

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